During and after his studies, Bruno has represented ITESM with exemplary participation in multiple competitions organized by various international institutions. The following are notable:
• CAM Moot Mexico International Commercial Arbitration Competition, organized by the Centro de Arbitraje México, 2017 and 2018 editions. He obtained first and third place, respectively (being the first time that ITESM won the competition). After his graduation, Bruno participated as an arbitrator in the 2019, 2020 and 2021 editions of this competition.
• Contest Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, organized by The Association for the Organization and Promotion of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, 2018 edition. Reached the round of 32 (this was the best result for ITESM and any Mexican team up to that point).
• Philip C. Jessup Competition International Law Moot Court Competition , organized by The International Law Students Association , 2019 edition . He formed the first ITESM team and obtained recognition for the best response brief . Later, he advised the ITESM team in the 2020 edition, which won the national rounds.
MootComp Competition , an inter-university competition on economic competition organized by, among other institutions, the Federal Economic Competition Commission, 2019 edition. He formed the first ITESM team and subsequently, he has advised the ITESM teams as a coach in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 editions, winning first place in the competition in the latter, as well as the award for best position paper and best participant.
Bruno is currently a senior associate at SAI Law and Economics, in the areas of economic competition and administrative litigation. He specializes in amparo trials in regulated sectors (i.e., energy, telecommunications, broadcasting, financial, etc.) and in economic competition matters. In his economic competition practice, Bruno represents clients before the Federal Economic Competition Commission (“COFECE”) and the Federal Telecommunications Institute (“IFT”) in investigations related to anticompetitive practices, illegal concentrations and merger notifications. Among others, the following matters in which he has participated can be highlighted:
• An amparo trial brought against a verification visit carried out by COFECE as part of an investigation into absolute monopolistic practices in the egg market, in which the authority overstepped its authority by violating information protected by the attorney-client privilege. In this case, not only was the investigation procedure closed, but the defense of the new privilege in practical scenarios was guaranteed by issuing the first judicial criteria that recognize the figure.
• Lawsuits filed against various regulations issued by the National Energy Control Center (“CENACE”) and the Energy Regulatory Commission (“CRE”) through which renewable energy generating plants were prohibited from operating and adding new clients. Through these lawsuits, various clients obtained constitutional protection to expel the regulations from their legal sphere and allow them to (i) enter into normal commercial operation; (ii) register new self-supplied partners and load centers to their permits to receive the electric energy generated from the plants, and (iii) in general, operate freely and uninhibitedly.
• Amparo lawsuits filed against the “ DECREE amending and adding various provisions of the Hydrocarbons Law ” published on May 4, 2021, through which, among other issues, the energy sector authorities (i) are allowed (i) to temporarily suspend permits when an imminent danger to national security, energy security or the national economy is foreseen, without defining these concepts or establishing criteria for their application, and (ii) revoke permits using causes and criteria after they were granted, due to the recurrence of merely operational errors (and in situations that are inherent to the natural course of operation in certain permitted activities) and, in general, for failure to comply with any requirement and/or provision of the Hydrocarbons Law.
In 2019, he was a member of the board of directors of the ITESM Law Degree Student Association , Santa Fe Campus (“SALED”). Currently, he is a member of the National Association of Corporate Lawyers (“ANADE”) and is Secretary of the Young Lawyers Committee of the Mexican Bar Association (“BMA”). His term ends on December 31, 2024.
He is a co-author of the collective book “Challenges and Innovative Proposals in Legal Practices: A New Perspective”, published by Tirant lo Blanch México. He also contributed to the collective book “Structural Reforms: Competition as the Central Axis of Mexico’s Economic Growth Strategy”, Growth and Productivity, Volume 2, coordinated by Aldo Flores Quiroga [et al.], published by Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE) in 2018. Additionally, he has written various articles published in Abogado Corporativo and International Law Office.