Legal and economic advice in the field of competition for business decision-making or prevention, as well as for the representation of economic agents in proceedings before the Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE) or the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT).
Advisory and representation in proceedings before competition authorities, including investigations into anticompetitive practices.
Merger notification.
Advisory for application to the leniency program for the commission of absolute monopolistic practices.
Requests for obtaining a favorable opinion from competition authorities to participate in public tenders.
Participation in the issuance of declarations on effective competition, essential inputs, and barriers to competition.
Regulatory analysis applied to competition aspects.
Evaluation and alignment of internal and corporate policies on competition.
Training on regulatory compliance in the field of economic competition.
Representation to file amparo lawsuits against decisions of competition authorities before specialized courts.
Advisory to governments and public and private companies on government procurement.
We have represented and advised numerous national and international companies before the defunct Federal Competition Commission, the current COFECE, and the IFT. We have extensive experience and knowledge in various sectors.
- Aeronautical
- Food and beverages
- Self-service
- Automotive and auto parts
- Energy
- Financial
- Hospitality
- Furniture Industry
- Maritime
- Broadcasting
- Steel industry
- Telecommunications
- Transport
- Glass Industry
Success stories
- Economic Competition
- Financial
Regulatory impact analysis for the Stock Exchange
- Economic Competition
- Broadcasting and telecommunications