SAI brings, like no other firm in Mexico, a unique combination of regulatory, economic, and legal practice. This perspective gives it a distinctive character. More than an external firm, we consider it an in-house firm.
SAI’s professional relationship with us can be summed up in one word: integrity. That is their defining trait. Professionalism and dedication as well. They are the best in Mexico. The support they have provided to BBVA Bancomer and the Mexican Banking Association has been essential.
At SAI, we have found a broad-spectrum advisor that has successfully met all our requirements over the years. There is no area in which they have not been able to provide guidance, and the results have always been extraordinary. They are highly competitive on a global scale, on par with any of the world’s leading firms.
We turned to SAI seeking an in-depth consulting project on basic public education in Mexico, one that combined economic analysis with technological and social impact elements. The result was a conclusive, valuable, and high-impact deliverable for society, the tech environment, and the Mexican government.