We share the article by Jaime Serra and Pedro Noyola, published in Nexos, where they propose transforming North America’s free trade area into a customs union anchored in a common tariff. This would help maintain the region’s competitiveness against individual countries like China and India, as well as economic blocs like the European Union.
We share with you the article recently published by Ambassador Anthony Wayne and Diego Marroquín, a very complete and updated analysis. Also the video of the Wilson Center Webinar in which they presented it, with the participation of Beatriz Leycegui along with Juan Carlos Baker, Laura Dawson and Meredith Lilly.
In the past few months, prices of LPG have risen to an all-time high. According to data reported by the Energy Regulatory Commission
(CRE), the average price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in June 2017 was 8.77 pesos ($0.43) per litre, while the average price in June
2021 was 12.94 pesos ($0.64).(1) In light of this, the Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE) launched an ongoing
investigation(2) on 31 May 2021 to determine whether effective competition conditions exist in the LPG market. COFECE is also
investigating possible anticompetitive behaviour in the market(3) similar to its previous studies, which provided multiple
recommendations to promote competition in the market.(4)
On 2 September 2021,(1) the Mexican Economic Competition Commission (COFECE) imposed fines on 17 football clubs from the Mexican
league, including the Mexican Football Federation (FMF) and eight individuals, for incurring in monopolistic practices (cartels) in the
men's and women's football players' draft market.(2) The total amount of the imposed fines was 177.6 million Mexican pesos