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a través de artículos, publicaciones y entrevistas que destacan nuestro compromiso y liderazgo en la industria.

We face uncertain times over the recent election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America (“USA”) and the possible renovation, modification or withdrawal from the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”). In this context, we consider that it is possible to carry out certain actions to mitigate and prevent the risks and adverse effects on funds and companies in Mexico in case the ecosystem that the Treaty has generated for 20 years is modified
Shortly after its establishment in 2013, the Federal Economic Competition Commission (FECC) drafted its strategic plan for 2014 to 2017. The plan established the criteria for determining where the FECC should focus its attention in regards to enhancing competition.(1) The FECC also issued a public consultation document(2) seeking feedback regarding which sectors should be prioritised based on the previously defined criteria. The results of this public consultation indicated that the pharmaceutical sector should be a priority for the FECC, particularly regarding the sale of medicines to public health institutions and these institutions' IP rights. As such, the strategic plan acknowledged that there is a lack of competition in the pharmaceutical sector, which has led to a 33% to 46% reduction in households that can afford to buy pharmaceutical products
Lucía Ojeda Cárdenas, Mariana Carrión
