Administrative litigation

We provide the best legal protection and strategy against administrative and regulatory authorities.

Innovative Strategies

Our experience in challenging laws enacted by the legislature, as well as acts and general provisions issued by administrative authorities, with a particular focus on economic competition authorities (Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE) and Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT)), and regulatory authorities (related to sectors such as energy, ports, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, etc.). This has provided us with in-depth knowledge of the applicable legislation and the decision-making practices of specialized courts.
Our comprehensive understanding of various fields and regulations allows us to offer our clients full legal advisory services, with ‘out-of-the-box’ solutions and strategies tailored to the specific needs of each client.


Initiation and processing of amparo lawsuits against decisions issued by competition authorities and regulatory agencies (such as COFECE, IFT, CRE, and CNH) that affect the interests of private parties.

Initiation and processing of amparo lawsuits against general norms (laws, regulations, regulatory provisions, and general administrative provisions, among others) with the aim of removing them from the complainant’s legal sphere.

General advisory related to sectorial regulations (including, among others, the regulation of the electricity, port, telecommunications, pharmaceutical sectors, etc.) with the purpose of assisting our clients in complying with their sectorial obligations.

Representation in amparo lawsuits to defend the constitutionality of an act when our clients have benefited from a regulator’s decision that has been challenged by a third party.

Filing of administrative challenges – when requested by our clients – through the appropriate appeal, whether administrative or judicial, as deemed appropriate.

Preliminary analysis of regulations and acts of authority, as well as the development of comprehensive defense strategies, including, among others, negotiations with public or private entities, filing complaints with regulatory authorities, and challenging before administrative and judicial instances.


We have an in-depth knowledge of the jurisprudential evolution thanks to our experience at the defunct Federal Competition Commission and COFECE. We led the defense in key cases that established the current jurisdictional criteria in economic competition, telecommunications, broadcasting, and other regulated sectors (e.g., energy, hydrocarbons, ports, telecommunications, etc.). Among these cases, we achieved the recognition of the attorney-client privilege in competition law in Mexico.

Success stories

Amparo lawsuits against CRE’s inaction in the hydrocarbons sector
Hydrocarbons Sector: SAI obtained several amparo rulings against the inaction or refusal of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) to grant or modify permits.
Amparo lawsuits against CENACE regulations on renewable energy generation plants
SAI obtained several amparo rulings against regulations issued by the National Center for Energy Control (CENACE), which prohibited renewable energy generation plants from operating and entering into operation.

Casos de éxito

Amparo lawsuits against CRE’s inaction in the hydrocarbons sector
Hydrocarbons Sector: SAI obtained several amparo rulings against the inaction or refusal of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) to grant or modify permits.
Amparo lawsuits against CENACE regulations on renewable energy generation plants
SAI obtained several amparo rulings against regulations issued by the National Center for Energy Control (CENACE), which prohibited renewable energy generation plants from operating and entering into operation.

Socios responsables

Hernán Sabau García

Finanzas corporativas Fusiones y adquisiciones | Asesoría estratégica y financiera | Financiamiento de deuda y capital | Mercado de capitales | Estructuración de deuda | Derivados | Econometría

José Rodrigo Anaya Lafforgue

Finanzas corporativas | Financiamiento de deuda o capital | Fusiones y adquisiciones | Valuación de empresas | Estructuración de proyectos | Asesoría estratégica y financiera

Hernán Sabau García

Finanzas corporativas Fusiones y adquisiciones | Asesoría estratégica y financiera | Financiamiento de deuda y capital | Mercado de capitales | Estructuración de deuda | Derivados | Econometría

José Rodrigo Anaya Lafforgue

Finanzas corporativas | Financiamiento de deuda o capital | Fusiones y adquisiciones | Valuación de empresas | Estructuración de proyectos | Asesoría estratégica y financiera