Arbitration and Dispute Resolution

We represent and advise our clients to turn challenges into opportunities.

Implementation of international commitments.

We have acted as party representatives and arbitrators in more than twenty arbitration proceedings, including Investor-State, State-to-State, and Industry-State (commercial remedies) arbitrations. We have also represented companies before national authorities to defend their rights under international trade and investment treaties. In the field of negotiations and public policy, we have participated in the design of dispute resolution mechanisms for the WTO, free trade agreements, and other investment agreements signed by Mexico.


Representation in dispute resolution proceedings, including investment arbitration, commercial remedies, government-to-government disputes, and private commercial arbitration.

Review and opinion on potential violations of free trade and investment treaties.

Assessment of the viability and success of arbitration cases.

Advisory services on corporate restructurings to achieve greater protection for foreign investors.


We have played a central role in the creation, design, and implementation of dispute resolution mechanisms established in:

  • The WTO agreements.
  • The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
  • Mexico’s free trade agreements with Bolivia, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Japan, and Peru.
  • Various Agreements for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments (APPRIs).
  • The Doha Round.

Success stories

Advisory in trade and anti-dumping disputes
Advisor to private sector companies on procedures to defend their rights and prerogatives in light of energy reform, particularly under the WTO, NAFTA, and BITs (Bilateral Investment Treaties).
Advisory in trade and anti-dumping disputes
Lead counsel in the only bilateral safeguard imposed under NAFTA: U.S. chicken leg quarters.

Casos de éxito

Advisory in trade and anti-dumping disputes
Advisor to private sector companies on procedures to defend their rights and prerogatives in light of energy reform, particularly under the WTO, NAFTA, and BITs (Bilateral Investment Treaties).
Advisory in trade and anti-dumping disputes
Lead counsel in the only bilateral safeguard imposed under NAFTA: U.S. chicken leg quarters.

Socios responsables

Hernán Sabau García

Finanzas corporativas Fusiones y adquisiciones | Asesoría estratégica y financiera | Financiamiento de deuda y capital | Mercado de capitales | Estructuración de deuda | Derivados | Econometría

José Rodrigo Anaya Lafforgue

Finanzas corporativas | Financiamiento de deuda o capital | Fusiones y adquisiciones | Valuación de empresas | Estructuración de proyectos | Asesoría estratégica y financiera

Hernán Sabau García

Finanzas corporativas Fusiones y adquisiciones | Asesoría estratégica y financiera | Financiamiento de deuda y capital | Mercado de capitales | Estructuración de deuda | Derivados | Econometría

José Rodrigo Anaya Lafforgue

Finanzas corporativas | Financiamiento de deuda o capital | Fusiones y adquisiciones | Valuación de empresas | Estructuración de proyectos | Asesoría estratégica y financiera