Magenta Dark

Presencia en los medios

Descubre nuestra presencia en los medios a través de artículos, publicaciones y entrevistas que destacan nuestro compromiso y liderazgo en la industria.

International Trade and Foreign Investment

We share with you the article recently published by Ambassador Anthony Wayne and Diego Marroquín, a very complete and updated analysis. Also the video of the Wilson Center Webinar in which they presented it, with the participation of Beatriz Leycegui along with Juan Carlos Baker, Laura Dawson and Meredith Lilly.
We face uncertain times over the recent election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America (“USA”) and the possible renovation, modification or withdrawal from the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”). In this context, we consider that it is possible to carry out certain actions to mitigate and prevent the risks and adverse effects on funds and companies in Mexico in case the ecosystem that the Treaty has generated for 20 years is modified
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development & World Economic Forum, (2015).