Economic Consulting

We offer practical and reliable solutions to improve your competitive position.

Innovative Boost

We offer practical and reliable proposals and solutions to improve the competitive position of our clients, using rigorous economic analysis and advanced quantitative methods. We conduct the necessary economic studies to support our teams in economic competition, international trade, and investment banking, and also provide socio-economic evaluations of investment programs and projects, cost-benefit analysis, and regulatory impact studies. Additionally, we advise companies and governments on the implementation of public-private partnership (PPP) projects for infrastructure development, and support companies and organizations on sustainability issues and the adoption of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria.


Economic analysis in competition matters for procedures before the Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE) and the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT), including the evaluation of mergers, determination of relevant and related markets, substantial market power, barriers to competition, efficiency gains from business practices, and quantification of damages, among other issues.

Support for conducting competition audits to identify potential risks of commercial policies, and preparation of expert evidence.

Economic advisory in procedures related to international trade, such as feasibility analysis for evaluating unfair practices, determination of price discrimination margins, analysis of injury and threat of injury, and impact of tariff and non-tariff changes.

Generation of indicators related to compliance with rules of origin and national content.

Economic, sectoral, and regional analysis to support the channeling of foreign investment into Mexico, and the execution of reshoring projects (nearshoring).

Socio-economic and financial evaluation of investment programs and projects, through cost-benefit and cost-efficiency analysis.

Preparation of risk analyses and proposals for mitigation measures.

Advisory in public-private partnerships (PPP), projects for service provision (PPS), and public-private participation projects (PPP), including the preparation of feasibility analyses, public-private comparators, financial models, performance indicators, and the generation of formulas and economic variables to be incorporated into the relevant contracts.

Economic spillover studies and evaluation of the economic and social impact of companies and productive sectors, using input-output models and estimating economic multipliers.

Advisory on sustainability and the application of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria for companies and organizations.

Regulatory impact analysis and public policy modification analysis, including fiscal measures (such as changes in VAT, income tax (ISR), and excise tax (IEPS)), regulatory changes in healthcare, and the development of national, regional, or sectoral development programs, among others.

Advisory on strategic planning and general economic analysis, including estimates of demand curves and elasticities, analysis of company cost structures, analysis of current and potential pricing or sales policies, development of business performance indicators, evaluation of potential markets, and identification of business opportunities based on economic and geographic information analysis.

Analysis of macroeconomic outlook and its expected impact on businesses.


SAI’s Economic Consulting team is composed of specialists in microeconomics, macroeconomics, quantitative methods, cost-benefit assessments, and applied public policies, among other fields of expertise, with extensive and recognized experience.

For nearly three decades, SAI has conducted a vast number of economic analyses benefiting our clients across a wide range of economic sectors, including consumer goods, food, pharmaceuticals, banking services, transportation, and energy, among others. We have contributed our knowledge and expertise to various matters related to economic competition, sectoral analysis and economic impact studies, regulatory impact projects, international trade, and strategic planning, providing crucial guidance for our clients’ decision-making processes.

Success stories

Public Policy Evaluation
Socioeconomic evaluation of a National Digital Education Program in Mexico, linking economic analysis with technological and social impact elements.

Casos de éxito

Public Policy Evaluation
Socioeconomic evaluation of a National Digital Education Program in Mexico, linking economic analysis with technological and social impact elements.

Socios responsables

Hernán Sabau García

Finanzas corporativas Fusiones y adquisiciones | Asesoría estratégica y financiera | Financiamiento de deuda y capital | Mercado de capitales | Estructuración de deuda | Derivados | Econometría

José Rodrigo Anaya Lafforgue

Finanzas corporativas | Financiamiento de deuda o capital | Fusiones y adquisiciones | Valuación de empresas | Estructuración de proyectos | Asesoría estratégica y financiera

Hernán Sabau García

Finanzas corporativas Fusiones y adquisiciones | Asesoría estratégica y financiera | Financiamiento de deuda y capital | Mercado de capitales | Estructuración de deuda | Derivados | Econometría

José Rodrigo Anaya Lafforgue

Finanzas corporativas | Financiamiento de deuda o capital | Fusiones y adquisiciones | Valuación de empresas | Estructuración de proyectos | Asesoría estratégica y financiera